Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fwd: Baltimore County, MD Newsletter

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From: USDA Farm Service Agency <>
Date: Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Baltimore County, MD Newsletter

June 2014

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Baltimore County FSA Updates

Baltimore County

FSA Office

1114 Shawan Road, Suite 3
Cockeysville, MD 21030-1385

Phone: 410-527-5920
Fax: 855-311-1761

County Executive Director:
Eva Delp-Cole

Farm Loan Manager:
Leah Peterson
301-662-1321 Extension 122

Program Technicians:
Amy Bange
Susan Hardinger

County Committee: 
Matt Sauter, Chair
Zach Rose, Vice Chair
Jay McGinnis, Member
Pam Pahl, Advisor

County Committee Meeting:  2nd Tuesday Monthly--
Call to confirm date/time

FSA Staff--Position Available

 Baltimore County FSA office has an opening for a fulltime, temporary Program Technician.  Responsibilities include assisting staff to process requests for USDA programs.  Computer skills are required.  Contact our office at 410-527-5920 Extension 2 with any questions and to request an application.  

Farm Bill News

USDA to Prepare Farmers for New Farm Bill Programs
The Agricultural Act of 2014 (the Act), also known as the 2014 Farm Bill, was signed by President Obama on Feb. 7, 2014. The Act repeals certain programs, continues some programs with modi­fications, and authorizes several new programs administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Most of these programs are authorized and funded through 2018.

USDA is working with several universities and cooperative state extension services to develop online decision tools and other materials and train experts to educate producers about several key farm bill programs. The new Web tools will help farmers determine what participation in programs established by the 2014 Farm Bill will mean for their businesses.

The new resources will help farmers make an educated choice between the new Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) program and the Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program. Using the new online tools, producers will be able to use data unique to their specific farming operations to test a variety of financial scenarios before officially signing up for the new program options later this year.  Once a producer enrolls in the ARC or PLC program, he or she must remain in the program through the 2018 crop year.

While universities work to create new online tools, producers now have access to a preliminary website that gives them a chance to begin familiarizing themselves with the new programs and the type of information they will need to consider when deciding which program options work better for them. At this site, farmers and ranchers can view ARC and PLC projected payments, ARC guarantees, and PLC payment rate projections. These tables are available on the FSA website.

Visit or the local FSA office for information about FSA and the 2014 Farm Bill programs.

Local Farm Bill Workshop

August 18, 2014  10 am – 3 pm
Baltimore County Ag Center

University of Maryland's Department of Agricultural Resource Economics (AREC), Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), and USDA's Risk Management Agency will sponsor a Farm Bill Workshop to aid farmers in understanding the new 2014 Farm Bill programs.

Focus will be on the two new commodity programs—

            Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC)

            Price Loss Coverage (PLC)

Extension educators will walk producers through the new programs, tools that exist to aid in program decisions, and other changes that could impact their eligibility.

Save the date and watch for further details in the July and August Newsletters.

2014 Acreage Reporting Dates

 In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements, all producers are encouraged to visit the Baltimore County FSA office to file an accurate crop certification report by the applicable deadline.

The following acreage reporting dates are applicable for Baltimore County:

May 15, 2014:                                 Spring Forage Seeding, Peas (Green only), Potatoes

July 15, 2014:                                 Lima Beans, all other crops including corn & soybeans

August 15, 2014:                             Beans (all types except Limas), CRP

December 15, 2014:                        2015 Fall Forage Seeding, Perennial Forage, Fall-Seeded

                                                         Small Grains

To schedule an appointment please contact the FSA office at 410-527-5920 Extension 2 


Conservation Reserve Program Restarts

Signup for the Conservation Reserve Program--Continuous Signup and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)--reopened on June 9th. 

The Conservation Reserve Program provides incentives to producers who utilize conservation methods on environmentally-sensitive lands. For example, farmers are monetarily compensated for establishing long-term vegetative species, such as approved grasses or trees to control soil erosion, improve water quality, and enhance wildlife habitat.

CRP consists of a "continuous" and "general" sign-up period. Continuous sign up for the voluntary program starts June 9. Under continuous sign-up authority, eligible land can be enrolled in CRP at any time with contracts of up to 10 to 15 years in duration. In lieu of a general sign-up this year, USDA will allow producers with general CRP contracts expiring this September to have the option of a one-year contract extension. USDA will also implement the 2014 Farm Bill's requirement that producers enrolled through general sign-up for more than five years can exercise the option to opt-out of the program if certain other conditions are met. In addition, the new grassland provisions, which will allow producers to graze their enrolled land, will enable producers to do so with more flexibility.

Recently letters were mailed to producers holding CRP contracts which are due to expire on September 30, 2014.  Producers may request approval for re-enrollment of their contracts. 

The CREP program aims to improve water quality and wildlife habitat by offering financial incentives, cost-share and rental payments to participants who voluntarily create practices such as Riparian Buffers and Filter Strips.  Producers interested in the CREP program should contact our office for additional details.  (410)527-5920

Farm Service Agency Announces Tree Assistance Program

 As of  Tuesday, April 15, 2014, orchardists and nursery tree growers who experienced losses from natural disasters that occurred on or after Oct. 1, 2011, can sign up for the Tree Assistance Program (TAP). TAP was authorized by the Agricultural Act of 2014 as a permanent disaster program.  TAP provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines damaged by natural disasters.

Eligible tree types include trees, bushes or vines that produce an annual crop for commercial purposes. Nursery trees include ornamental, fruit, nut and Christmas trees that are produced for commercial sale. Trees used for pulp or timber are ineligible.

To qualify for TAP, orchardists must suffer a qualifying tree, bush or vine loss in excess of 15 percent mortality from an eligible natural disaster. The eligible trees, bushes or vines must have been owned when the natural disaster occurred; however, eligible growers are not required to own the land on which the eligible trees, bushes and vines were planted.

If the TAP application is approved, the eligible trees, bushes and vines must be replaced within 12 months from the date the application is approved. The cumulative total quantity of acres planted to trees, bushes or vines, for which a producer can receive TAP payments, cannot exceed 500 acres annually.

Eligible tree types include trees, bushes or vines that produce an annual crop for commercial purposes. Nursery trees include ornamental, fruit, nut and Christmas trees that are produced for commercial sale. Trees used for pulp or timber are ineligible.

To qualify for TAP, orchardists must suffer a qualifying tree, bush or vine loss in excess of 15 percent mortality from an eligible natural disaster. The eligible trees, bushes or vines must have been owned when the natural disaster occurred; however, eligible growers are not required to own the land on which the eligible trees, bushes and vines were planted.

If the TAP application is approved, the eligible trees, bushes and vines must be replaced within 12 months from the date the application is approved. The cumulative total quantity of acres planted to trees, bushes or vines, for which a producer can receive TAP payments, cannot exceed 500 acres annually.

County Committee Nomination Period Begins

 The nomination period for local Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committees began June 15, 2014.

To be eligible to serve on an FSA county committee, a person must participate or cooperate in a program administered by FSA, be eligible to vote in a county committee election and reside in the local administrative area where the person is nominated.

Farmers may nominate themselves or others. Organizations representing minorities and women also may nominate candidates. To become a candidate, an eligible individual must sign the nomination form, FSA-669A. The form and other information about FSA county committee elections are available at Nomination forms for the 2014 election must be postmarked or received in the local USDA Service Center by close of business on Aug. 1, 2014. Elections will take place this fall.

While FSA county committees make decisions on disaster and conservation programs, emergency programs, commodity price support loan programs and other agricultural issues. Members serve three-year terms.

FSA will mail ballots to eligible voters beginning Nov. 3, 2014. Ballots are due back to the local county office either via mail or in person by Dec. 1, 2014. Newly elected committee members take office on Jan. 1, 2015.  

Rates & Dates

June 2014    Interest Rates

Commodity Loans  1.125%

Farm Storage Facility Loans (7 years)  2.25%

Farm Storage Facility Loans (10 years)  2.625%

Farm Storage Facility Loans (12 years)  2.75%

Dates to Remember

July 4         Independence Day holiday, office closed

July 15       Acreage Reports due for spring planted crops

August 1    Last day to file nomination forms for 2014 County Committee election—Local Area 1

August 18  Farm Bill Workshop, 10 am – 3 pm, Baltimore County Ag Center

To ensure maximum use of your time, please call ahead for an appointment and to discuss documentation you may need. Baltimore FSA wants to provide customers the best service possible.

                                                       (410)527-5920 Extension 2

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay),
(866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

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If you have questions about FSA activities, please view our Frequently Asked Questions page or you may also Search our web site. These features are designed to assist you in obtaining the information you are seeking.

This service is provided to you at no charge by the USDA Farm Service Agency.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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