Monday, June 23, 2014

Fwd: June Newsletter-Roberts County

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From: USDA Farm Service Agency <>
Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 5:45 AM
Subject: June Newsletter-Roberts County

June 2014

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Roberts County FSA Updates

Right now in the office we are busy with 2014 Certification.  If you haven't picked up your maps yet please stop in and pick them up before your scheduled certification appointment.  If you haven't certified yet we do have an appointment scheduled for all producers.  We will be contacting you the week of your appointment. Just a reminder if you complete your maps and would like to drop them off for us to enter the information you can do so.  We will enter the information and give you a call to stop back in and review and sign the certifications.

Currently CRP signup was re-opened on June 9, 2014.  If you have Expiring CRP this year please contact the office and let us know if you are interested in re-enrolling these acres.  We want to start processing the paperwork to get these acres re-enrolled if eligible as soon as possible.

Roberts County FSA Office

2018 SD Hwy 10, Suite B

Sisseton SD 57262

Phone: 605-698-7639
Fax: 855-256-9428

County Executive Director:
Sharon Rolstad

Farm Loan Manager:
Laverne Tetzlaff

Program Technicians:
Rhonda Deutsch

Annette Hutchins

Lindsay Bartnick

Kerri Huff

Carrie Hanson

Next County Committee Meeting:  Time hasn't been set at this time

FSA Needs Your Help to Track Weather Events

The FSA office needs your help. The FSA Office tracks severe weather events that occur in the county. When severe weather affects your farming operation or area, take some time and report that to us. We track damage to crops, livestock, and buildings throughout the year.

You can help by providing the following:

1.     Date of the severe weather event.

2.     Location of the event.

3.     Pictures of damage caused by severe weather to crops, livestock and buildings.

4.     Rainfall amounts.

5.     Any other information you think may be useful.

This information can be provided by phone, email or office visit.  My email address is: phone (605) 698-7639 E


Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Transition Incentive program (TIP) re-opened.

CRP consists of "continuous" and "general" sign-up period.  Continuous sign up for the voluntary programs started June 9.  Under continuous sign-up authority, eligible land can be enrolled in CRP at any time with contracts of to 10 to 15 years in duration.  In lieu of a general sign up this year, USDA will allow producers with general CRP contracts expiring this September the option of a one-year contract extension.  The one-year extension only applies to General Contracts that expire in September and that won't exceed 15 years when extended.  Roberts County has reviewed the expiring General CRP Contracts Sign-ups and they are all 15 year contracts so we don't have any that will qualify for the one year extension.

If you have a CRP Contract expiring on September 30, 2014 and are interested in re-enrolling all or part of the acres please contact the office.  We will review your expiring CRP Contract acres to see if they will qualify for one of the Continuous Sign-up Practices.  Expiring CRP acres can be enrolled for the next year up to 6 months prior to the current CRP Contract Expiration.  If you have expiring CRP please contact the office as soon as possible to let us know if you are interested in re-enrolling or will be letting it expire.  We would like to work on these right away and get the new contracts ready and approved.

If you are interested in offering new land into Continuous CRP the cropping history years have been updated.  The land has to be cropped 4 of 6 years 2008 through 2013.  If you have land eligible for Farmed Wetlands Program signup you have to have cropped the acreage 3 out of 10 years 2004-2013.  There is some additional criteria if you had prevent plant acres regarding either of these cropping year options and we will go over these with producers individually if they apply.

The Transition Incentive Program provides two additional years of payments for retired farmers and ranchers who transition expiring CRP acres to socially disadvantaged, military veteran, or a beginning farmers who will return the land to sustainable grazing or crop production.  The producer who will be taking over the CRP CANNOT be a family member.  Sign up also began June 9.  TIP funding increased by more than 30 percent in the 2014 Farm Bill, providing up to $33 million through 2018.

If you have a CRP Contract expiring on September 30, 2014 and are interested in re-enrolling all or part of the acres please contact the office.  We will review your expiring CRP Contract acres to see if they will qualify for one of the Continuous Sign-up Practices.  Expiring CRP acres can be enrolled for the next year up to 6 months prior to the current CRP Contract Expiration.  If you have expiring CRP please contact the office as soon as possible to let us know if you are interested in re-enrolling or will be letting it expire.  We would like to work on these right away and get the new contracts ready and approved.

If you are interested in offering new land into Continuous CRP the cropping history years have been updated.  The land has to be cropped 4 of 6 years 2008 through 2013.  If you have land eligible for Farmed Wetlands Program signup you have to have cropped the acreage 3 out of 10 years 2004-2013.  There is some additional criteria if you had prevent plant acres regarding either of these cropping year options and we will go over these with producers individually if they apply.

The Transition Incentive Program provides two additional years of payments for retired farmers and ranchers who transition expiring CRP acres to socially disadvantaged, military veteran, or a beginning farmers who will return the land to sustainable grazing or crop production.  The producer who will be taking over the CRP CANNOT be a family member.  Sign up also began June 9.  TIP funding increased by more than 30 percent in the 2014 Farm Bill, providing up to $33 million through 2018.




 LAA # 3 (Lawrence, Spring Grove, Summit, Lee, Springdale, Becker, Lake, Garfield, Easter, Geneseo, Lockwood)

The County FSA Committee election for LAA#3 will be held this year on December 1, 2014.  Eligible voters have the right to nominate candidate(s) of their choice.  Nomination forms may be obtained at the Roberts County FSA office.  Each form submitted must be:

  • Limited to 1 nominee
  • Signed by the nominee, indicating willingness to serve, if elected
  • Postmarked or delivered to the County FSA office no later than August 1, 2014

Any nominee should be currently engaged in the operation of a farm or ranch and be well qualified for committee work.

A producer is eligible to be a County FSA Committee member if the producer lives in the LAA up for election and is an eligible voter.  County FSA Committee Members may not hold positions in certain farm and commodity organizations if these positions pose a conflict of interest with FSA Duties.  These positions include functional offices such as president, vice president, secretary, and positions on boards or executive committees.  Additional information of eligibility to hold office may be obtained at the County FSA Office.

COC Election Materials can be found at

  • To locate the FSA-669A, scroll down to the links under "Election materials" and CLICK "2014 Nomination Form"

The duties of County FSA Committee member include:

  • Informing farmers and ranchers of the purpose and provisions of the FSA programs
  • Keeping the State FSA Committee informed of LAA conditions
  • Recommending needed changes in farm programs
  • Participating in county meetings as necessary

Performing other duties as assigned by the State FSA Committee



CRP Weed Control

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) would like to remind Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) participants of their responsibility to ensure that acres enrolled in CRP are properly maintained throughout the contract period, as agreed to in the CRP contract (CRP-1 Appendix) and the Conservation Plan of Operations (CPO).  FSA encourages contract participants to regularly visit and evaluate the conditions of the CRP acreage to ensure the vegetative cover and conservation practice are properly maintained to adequately control erosion, protect air and water quality and enhance wildlife habitat, as agreed to in the approved CPO.

CRP contract participants are required to control undesirable weeds, invasive plants, insects, pests and rodents on the entire CRP acreage covered by the CPO, as determined by the FSA County Committee (COC), so that the existing CRP cover, as well as surrounding landowners, air and water quality or wildlife habitat, is not adversely impacted.  FSA has the authority to determine that a violation has occurred when any portion of the CRP acreage is infested, degraded, destroyed or otherwise compromised to the point that the established conservation practice no longer functions as intended.

CRP policies also require CRP acreage to be in compliance with the State noxious weed law as determined by the State or local noxious weed commission. 

Participant awareness of the condition of CRP acreage is crucial to remaining in compliance with CRP regulations.  Failure to adequately maintain CRP acreage may result in a compliance violation.  FSA randomly spot checks CRP acreage; if the acreage is found to have areas not in compliance with the CPO, a violation will be determined by the COC.  FSA is not required to notify participants of potential areas of violation on the CRP acreage.  When a violation occurs, the participant will either be assessed a payment reduction on the affected acres or the affected acres may be terminated and payments refunded. 

Due to budget restrictions we won't be sending the CRP annual weed reminder.  CRP participants must control noxious weeds/insects & rodents on their CRP acres as a requirement of the CRP contract and State's noxious weed laws.  In Roberts County the majority of weed control is done during the nesting season May 1st - August 1st.  By procedure you need to make a request to control weeds during the nesting season.  We are taking requests by phone for spot spraying and spot clipping to the extent needed.  If you are controlling CRP weeds for a landowner, please check with them to see if they have made a request.  If you need to perform weed control on a whole field, you need to file a written request for approval stating the reason you need to do a whole field.  All requests will be approved/disapproved verbally or in writing. Please check your fields and take appropriate measure to control the weeds. Last year we had quite a few producers clip weeds early during the season. If you do clip early in the season please keep monitoring your CRP acres as you might have to go out again to clip the weeds a second time. We realize some acres may be wet again this year but when the CRP contract was signed producers agreed to control the weeds on all the CRP acres. 

If it is found that you have uncontrolled weeds on a CRP contract and if appropriate measures are not taken to control problems in these areas, the County FSA Committee (COC) is required to consider whether you are in compliance with the terms and conditions of your CRP contract. If the COC determines you have not made a good faith effort to control undesirables, your contract could be terminated. If your contract is terminated, you are required to refund all annual payments/incentive payments/cost share payments plus interest and pay liquidated damages.  If a producer has made a good faith effort and still has weeds that have gone to seed, the penalty is 2 times the average cost for weed control or $30.00/acre on the affected acres.


In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements, all producers are encouraged to visit the county office to file an accurate crop certification report by the applicable deadline.

The following acreage reporting dates are applicable for Roberts County:

November 15, 2013            -               Fall Seeded Crops and Perennial Forage Crops
January 2, 2014                  -               Honey
July 15, 2014                       -               Spring Seeded, all other crops

Prevented Planting and Failed Acres

"Prevented Planted Acreage" must be reported to FSA in a timely manner in order to receive credit for acres intended, but due to a natural disaster/weather related condition, were prevented from being planted.  This is important for future program benefits and base history credit. 

Acceptable applications require a report of acres and a Notice of Loss Form (FSA-576) disclosing what preliminary efforts were made to plant the crop – such as field preparation, application of fertilizer, or purchase of seed.

All applications must be filed within 15 days of the final planting date as follows:

Crop                                                                          Final Plant Date                 FSA Reporting Deadline
Small Grains                                                              May 15                                 May 30
Corn,                                                                            May 25                                 June 9
Soybeans, Sunflowers                                            June 10                                June 25

"Failed Acreage" is defined as a field or a portion of a field that fails due to weather conditions such as drought, excessive rain, or cold temperatures.  Producers who have a field that will be destroyed and replanted to a different crop should report these acres to FSA.

The following exceptions apply to the above acreage reporting dates:

  • If the crop has not been planted by the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed.
  • If a producer acquires additional acreage after the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 30 calendars days after purchase or acquiring the lease. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office.
  • If a perennial forage crop is reported with the intended use of "cover only," "green manure," "left standing," or "seed," then the acreage must be reported by July 15th.

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) policy holders should note that the acreage reporting date for NAP covered crops is the earlier of the dates listed above or 15 calendar days before grazing or harvesting of the crop begins.


The Agricultural Act of 2014 (the Act), also known as the 2014 Farm Bill, was signed by President Obama on Feb. 7, 2014. The Act repeals certain programs, continues some programs with modifications, and authorizes several new programs administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Most of these programs are authorized and funded through 2018.

For the latest on 2014 Farm Bill programs administered by FSA, please visit our Farm Bill website at and for an FSA program overview please read, download and/or print our recently posted FSA Farm Bill Fact Sheet titled, What's in the 2014 Farm Bill for Farm Service Agency Customers?

For more information on FSA, please contact your local USDA Service Center or visit us online at

Rural Energy for America Program - Renewable Energy System and Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loan and Grant Program(REAP)

The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) provides financial assistance to agricultural producers and rural small businesses in rural America to purchase, install, and construct renewable energy systems; make energy efficiency improvements to non-residential buildings and facilities; use renewable technologies that reduce energy consumption; and participate in energy audits, renewable energy development assistance, and feasibility studies.

REAP creates opportunities for economic development for rural businesses by supporting renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, via loan guarantees and grants.  The program provides assistance to qualified applicants to finance renewable energy (renewable biomass, anaerobic digesters, geothermal for electric generation, geothermal for direct use, hydroelectric (30 megawatts or less), hydrogen, small and large wind, small and large solar and ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal) and energy efficiency projects. It expands the existing private credit structure by providing a credit enhancement via a loan guarantee.

The REAP Renewable Energy System Grant and Loan Guarantee provides financial assistance to agriculture producers and rural small business for the specific purpose of purchasing, installing and constructing renewable energy systems.  This type of assistance may require that a business level feasibility study be completed by an independent qualified consultant as part of the application.

Please visit this website for more information regarding Eligibility Requirements, Technology Requirements and Financing Information.

The deadline to apply for this program is July 7, 2014.  If you are interested in applying for this program please contact Darlene L. Bresson at (605)886-8202 Ext. 120 or

JUNE Loan and Interest Rates

Commodity Loans – 1.125%

Farm Loan Program
Operating Loans – 2.25%
Farm Ownership Loans – 4.00%
Farm Ownership – Joint Financing – 2.50%
Farm Ownership – Down Payment Loans - 1.50%
Emergency - Amount of Actual Loss – 3.25%

Farm Storage Facility Loan Program
Farm Storage Facility Loan, 7-Year – 2.25%
Farm Storage Facility Loan, 10-Year – 2.625%
Farm Storage Facility Loan, 12-Year – 2.75%


June 9- Continuous CRP Sign-up Begins

June 15- County Committee Nomination Period begins

July 4- Office Closed Independence Day Holiday

July 15- 2013 ACRE and NAP Production Evidence Deadline

July 15- Acreage Reporting Deadline for 2014 Crop Year

August 1- 2014 Land and Ownership Changes

August 1- last day to file County Committee Election Nomination Forms

September 1- Office Closed Labor Day Holiday

October 13- Office Closed Columbus Day Holiday

November 3- County Committee Election ballots mailed to eligible voters

November 11- Office Closed Veteran's Day Holiday

November 15- 2015 Crop Year Acreage Reporting Deadline for fall seeded small grain, Apiculture, PRF/Perennial Forage(Alfalfa, Grass- Native/Brome etc-)

November 27- Office Closed Thanksgiving Day Holiday

December 1- Last day to return County Committee ballots to FSA County Office

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(866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

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If you have questions about FSA activities, please view our Frequently Asked Questions page or you may also Search our web site. These features are designed to assist you in obtaining the information you are seeking.

This service is provided to you at no charge by the USDA Farm Service Agency.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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