Friday, June 20, 2014

Fwd: News About NIGMS-Funded Research

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From: National Institute of General Medical Sciences <>
Date: Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 11:28 AM
Subject: News About NIGMS-Funded Research

Here's a periodic digest of news about NIGMS-supported research around the nation.

Mechanism Discovered for Regulating Machinery that Helps Cells Adapt to Changing Conditions
June 19, 2014 • ​St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Strict Diet Suspends Development, Doubles Lifespan of Worms
June 19, 2014 • ​Duke University

Newly Discovered Protein Slows New Blood Vessel Development and Inhibits Tumor Growth
June 19, 2014 • ​Cleveland Clinic

Computer-Designed Protein Triggers Self-Destruction of Cancer Cells Infected with Epstein-Barr Virus
June 19, 2014 • University of Washington

Molecular "Yin-Yang" of Blood Vessel Growth Revealed
June 18, 2014 • ​Scripps Research Institute

Research-Based Strategies Proposed to Achieve Greater Diversity in Science
June 18, 2014 • ​Brown University

"Molecular Time Travel" Experiments Show Evolution Depends on Rare Chance Events
June 18, 2014 • ​University of Chicago

First Three-Dimensional Snapshot of Assembly Line that Microorganisms Use to Make Drugs
June 18, 2014 • ​University of Michigan

Chemical Strategy Hints at Better Peptide Drugs for Osteoporosis, Diabetes
June 16, 2014 • ​University of Wisconsin-Madison

Some Neurons Turn to Neighboring Cells to Get Rid of Old Mitochondria
June 16, 2014 • ​University of California, San Diego

Computation Leads to Better Understanding of Influenza Virus Replication
June 16, 2014 • ​University of Chicago

Read more news from NIGMS-funded institutions.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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