Friday, June 20, 2014

Fwd: VT-Orleans County FSA - June Newsletter

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From: USDA Farm Service Agency <>
Date: Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 7:43 AM
Subject: VT-Orleans County FSA - June Newsletter

June 2014

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Orleans County FSA Updates

Dates to Remember

Orleans County 
USDA Office

59 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 11
Newport, VT 05855

Phone: (802) 334-6090
Toll Free: 1-866-241-2190
Fax: (802) 334-1365


County Committee (COC):
Doug Lawson, Chair
Donna Hammond, Vice Chair
Andrew De La Bruere, Member
*COC meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, July 17th at 9:30 a.m.

County Executive Director:
Heather Mateja, x128

Program Technicians:
Brock Columbia, x126
Laurie Locke, x116

Farm Loan Manager:
Brian Kuper, x114

Farm Loan Officers:
Meghan DuBois-Guyer, x117
Angela Goodridge, x112
Dorcas McAllister, x115


David Blodgett, DC x125
Hisa Kominami, SC, x122
Brenda McDonald-Kuper, SC, x121
Linere Silloway, PA, x124


Dayna Cole, Manager, x118

District Committee:
Paul Daniels, Chair
Richard Delfavero, Vice Chair
Stephanie Mason, Member
Paul Lisai, Member

2014 Crop Reporting

It's important to remember acreage reporting deadlines, especially for producers carrying Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) coverage. Don't put any potential benefits at risk by missing these deadlines!

The following acreage reporting dates are applicable for Orleans County:

  • July 15, 2014: Spring seeded annual crops, CRP, all other crops

The following exceptions apply to the above reporting dates:

  • If the crop has not been planted by the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed.
  • If a producer acquires additional acreage after the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 30 calendar days after the purchase or acquiring lease.  Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office.
  • If a perennial forage crop is reported with the intended us of "cover only", "green manure", "left standing", or "seed", then the acreage must be reported by July 15.

Please contact the office with any questions about Acreage Reporting and/or crop loss reports.

Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Compliance

Landowners and operators are reminded that in order to receive payments from USDA, they must be compliant with Highly Erodible Land (HEL) and Wetland Conservation (WC) provisions.  Farmers with HEL determined soils must apply tillage, crop residue, and rotation requirements as specified in their conservation plan.

Producers should notify FSA prior to conducting any land clearing or drainage projects to ensure compliance. If you intend to clear any trees to create new cropland, these areas will need to be reviewed to ensure any work will not jeopardize your eligibility for benefits.

Landowners and operators can complete form AD-1026 "Highly Erodible Land Conservation (HELC) and Wetland Conservation (WC) Certification" to determine whether a referral to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is necessary.

For more information on Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation provisions, contact a FSA County Office or visit the FSA website.

Farm Reconstitutions

When changes in farm ownership or operation take place, a farm reconstitution is necessary. The reconstitution, also called a "recon", is the process of combining or dividing farms or tracts of land based on the farming operation.

The following are different methods used when doing a farm recon:

  • Estate Method - The division of bases, allotments, and quotas for a "parent" farm among heirs in settling an estate.
  • Designation of Landowner Method - May be used when:
    1) part of a farm is sold or ownership transferred
    2) an entire farm is sold to two or more people
    3) farm ownership is transferred to two or more people
    4) part of a tract is sold or ownership transferred
    5) a tract is sold to two or more people
    6) tract ownership is transferred to two or more people.
    *In order to use this method, the land must have been owned for at least three years.
  • Default Method - The division of bases for a parent farm with each tract maintaining the bases attributed to the tract level when the recon is initiated in the system.

USDA Seeks Sponsors for Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is looking for sponsors to ensure that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. SFSP is administered by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), an agency of the USDA.

SFSP reimburses approved sponsors for serving meals that meet Federal nutritional guidelines. Sponsors receive payments from USDA based on the number of meals they serve.  All meals are served free to eligible children, who are 18-years old and under at approved SFSP sites in areas with significant concentrations of low-income children.

Sponsors are organizations that manage SFSP feeding sites. Sponsors must be organizations that are fully capable of managing a food service program. To be a sponsor, you must follow regulations and be responsible, financially and administratively, for running your program.

The following types of organizations can be sponsors:

  • Public or private nonprofit schools
  • Units of local, municipal, county, tribal, or State government
  • Private nonprofit organizations
  • Pubic or private nonprofit camps
  • Public or private nonprofit universities or colleges

A sponsor may prepare its own meals, purchase meals through an agreement with an area school, or contract for meals with a food service management company (vendor).

For questions or to apply, contact the State Director of Child Nutrition Programs at Agency of Education at 
(802) 828-5153, or visit the website by clicking here.

Livestock Disaster Assistance Sign-up Underway

Livestock Disaster Program enrollment opened on April 15, 2014. These disaster programs are authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill as permanent programs and provide retroactive authority to cover losses that occurred on or after October 1, 2011.

To expedite applications, all producers who experienced losses are encouraged to bring records documenting those losses to their local FSA office. Producers should record all pertinent information of natural disaster consequences, including:

  • Documentation of the number and kind of livestock that have died, supplemented if possible by photographs or video records of ownership and losses
  • Dates of death supported by birth recordings or purchased receipts
  • Costs of transporting livestock to safer grounds or to move animals to new pastures
  • Feed purchases if supplies or grazing pastured are destroyed
  • Crop records, including seed and fertilizer purchases, planting and production records.

Eligible producers can sign-up for the following livestock disaster assistance programs:

  • Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP): LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers that have suffered grazing losses due to drought on privately owned or cash leased land or fire on federally managed land. Eligible producers must physically be located in a county affected by a qualifying drought during the normal grazing period for the county. Producers who suffered eligible grazing losses should submit a completed CCC-853 and supporting documentation by January 30,2015.
  • Livestock Indemnity Programs (LIP): LIP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers that have suffered livestock death losses in excess of normal mortality due to adverse weather and attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government or protected by federal law. Producers who suffered livestock death losses should submit a notice of loss and an application for payment to their local FSA office by January 30, 2015.
  • Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP): ELAP provides emergency assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish that have losses due to disease, adverse weather, or other conditions, such as blizzards and wildfires. ELAP assistance is provided for losses not covered by LFP and LIP. Producers who suffered eligible livestock, honeybee, or farm-raised fish losses during 2012 and 2013 program years must submit a notice of loss and application for payment to their local FSA office by August 1, 2014. For 2014 program year losses, the notice of loss and an application for payment must be submitted by November 1, 2014.

For more information, producers can review LFP, LIP, and ELAP Fact Sheets on the Farm Bill Website. Producers are encouraged to make an appointment with their local FSA office to apply for these programs.

What's Cookin'?

Pasta Panchetta


  • 5 shallots, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 6 oz panchetta bacon, diced
  • 2 cups fresh sliced mushrooms
  • 2 pinches freshly groung black pepper
  • 2 pinches dried oregano
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 (12 oz) package linguine pasta
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.
  2. In a large skillet, cook pancetta in oil until just beginning to brown. Stir in shallots, garlic, and mushrooms. Cook for 1 minute.
  3. Season with pepper and oregano, and pour in chicken broth. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, simmer for 1-2 minutes, stirring occassionally.  Cover and continue to simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Strain liquid from pan into cooked linguine, and add olive oil. Toss to coat.
  5. Divide pasta onto serving plates. Top with panchetta and mushrooms. Garnish with Parmesan.

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(866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

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If you have questions about FSA activities, please view our Frequently Asked Questions page or you may also Search our web site. These features are designed to assist you in obtaining the information you are seeking.

This service is provided to you at no charge by the USDA Farm Service Agency.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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